Places to Play & Player Etiquette
All dates and times are subject to change.
Flat Creek Country Club- Membership Required
100 Flat Creek Rd.
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Member Guest fee is $25 per visit; maximum 6 visits/year. The pickleball courts are open Monday through Sunday,
8 AM to 9 PM. Courts must be reserved by calling the Pro shop at 770–487–8140 up to 2 days in advance.
Oak Grove Log House - Public Courts
Braelinn Recreation Complex, Loghouse Road, Peachtree City
6 Outdoor Pickleball Courts
First come, first served. No reservations.
Dorothea Redwine Park- Public Courts
226 Byewood Ln, Tyrone, GA 30290
8 Outdoor Pickleball Courts, open 8am-9pm
First come, first served. No reservations.
Kedron Fieldhouse & Aquatic Center- Fayette County Residents
202 Fieldhouse Drive, Peachtree City
Kedron Open Gym Schedule for all Sport Activities - peachtree-city.org/opengym
Indoor Play
Thursday nights 6:30pm-9pm are designated Pickleball nights. All other times and dates are OPEN GYM.
A first come, first served is observed for all sport programs.
Pickleball nets must be set up and dismantled after play. This venue is available for Fayette County residents only.
Fee is $2 per person.
The Bridge Community Center
225 Willowbend Road, Peachtree City
Call for daily fee and general membership fees - 770.487.9289
Indoor Play - 3 courts
Mondays and Wednesdays – 12 noon until 3pm
Glenloch Recreation Complex – No reserve
601 Stevens Entry, Peachtree City
Outdoor play – 2 tennis courts are marked for pickleball
Pebblepocket – No reservations
200 Willowbend Road, Peachtree City
Outdoor Play – 2 tennis courts marked for Pickleball
Practice wall available
Smokerise – No reservations
Public Courts
69 Smokerise Point
Outdoor Play – 2 tennis courts marked for Pickleball
Kiwanis Park
980 Redwine Road, Fayetteville
Outdoor Play – tennis courts marked for Pickleball
3 Pickleball Courts
Call for more info - 770.716.4320
Fitness 54
1964 Highway 54
Peachtree City
2 Outdoor Pickleball Courts
Fee required $5
For more info - 770.487.5454
Ask for Jeannette Sekellick or Bethia Green
East Fayette Gym
245 Booker Ave, Fayetteville
Indoor Play $2 fee
Friday and Sunday: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (30 & under) 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (30 & older)
Pickleball Etiquette
If there is a disagreement as to whether the ball is in or out, the ball should be deemed out.
If the opponent claims there was a major distraction while hitting a shot (such as a ball bouncing onto the court), don’t hesitate to replay the point.
If a ball from your court goes out of bounds on another court, call “ball or let” only if it goes onto their court. If it stays outside of the court and not a safety concern wait until the point is played out.
Never walk behind a court, or enter one, while a rally is in progress.
When a point is over, return the ball to your opponent, not merely in his/her direction.
Verbal outbursts are distracting to your opponent and to players on other courts.
Give your opponent time to get into position before you serve.
It is the server’s responsibility to clearly announce the score before you serve.
Know the USA Pickleball rules of the game and observe them.
Wear proper attire and non-marking shoes for sport courts, Proper eye protection is strongly encouraged.
Each one of us was a beginner at some point. When playing with those of a lesser skill level consider adjusting your own level of play to encourage learning and teamwork.
Competition is one of the joys of sport but should never be an obstacle to having fun. Enjoy the game. No point or game is that critical to ruin your day or lose a friend.
In summary, be a positive minded player. This is YOUR Pickleball Club, support it and strive to make it better.
Players make the line calls on their side of the court; always strive to make correct line calls.
If a team is uncertain, disagrees or cannot decide on a line call, the benefit always goes to the opponent and the ball shall be declared “in”.
Players cannot claim a “let” (replay) because the ball was not seen. An opponent’s opinion can be requested and if the opponent says the ball was “in” or the opponent also did not see it, the ball shall be declared “in”.
In fun play, if all players agree, the point can be replayed if there is uncertainty of the correct call.